
Concept of Operation

feature author: Paul Halliday


Whenever simulators uses sound systems, certain steps should be followed when designing the these systems. The following areas should be covered before any actual data collection/editing and acoustical engineering is begun:

TDI chose the SimPhonics solution because of price and reputation. It is a system that is rapidly integrated into a simulator, and once the system is understood, it is readily maintained. It is easily changed for one big reason:  V+. V+ allowed for the quick changes necessary during FAA qualification. Since V+ is easy to use, tasks like changing a sound file for a particular model, reallocating the channels a sound file is played on, and adding extra logic for voice communications are performed quickly and easily. In addition, SimPhonics system was also chosen because it uses sound files to simulate sounds instead of waveform generators. Sound files from the actual aircraft are always going to be more precise than waveform generators.

*Note:  Acoustical analysis involves determining how many speakers and amplifiers are needed, and where the speakers should be placed for proper acoustical treatment of the simulation.

Beech 1900D Aircraft


- concept

- space analysis

- speakers & amps

Data Collection

Sound File Editing

Computer Interface

Computer Configuration

Aero & Environmental V+ designs

- top level

- engine

- flaps & fuselage

- gear

- tires & runway

- tire blow

- weather

- windshield

- explosions

- audible warnings



- marker beacon

Communications V+ Designs


- pilot

- copilot


Speaker & Amp Specifications

Host Buffer Interface Table



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