


SimPhonics Sound System and a Beech 1900D Simulator

feature author: Paul Halliday

Whenever simulators use sound systems, certain steps should be followed when designing these systems. The following areas should be covered before any actual data collection/editing and acoustical engineering is begun:  problem space, aural cues, acoustical analysis.  more 

space analysis

An easy way to begin understanding what the "problem space" is for a simulator is to identify the sources of sound in the real world. Sound sources in the Beech 1900D are as follows.  more

speakers & amplifiers

Spatial orientation of the sounds and available mounting space were used for determining where the speakers would be placed.  more

data collection

Data collection for audio is the process of recording specific sounds needed to accurately reproduce them in a simulator.  more

sound file editing

All of the sounds used in the Beech 1900D simulator are binary sound data files stored in Microsoft’s WAVE format.  more

computer interface

The Host Computer to SimPhonics computer interface for the Beech 1900D was implemented using SimPhonics’ Custom Socket I/O Driver.  more

computer configuration

The SimPhonics computer for the Beech 1900D simulator uses the following three I/O devices: Configurable Network Socket, V+ Text to Speech Device, FX 30 Device.  more

V+  designs

V+, a visual application development system, is used to tie the host computer’s stimuli to the sounds to be played and the voice communications to be mixed.  more


Speaker & Amplifier Specifications

Host Buffer Interface Table




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