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Troubleshooting Systems

This section is provided to help resolve “system” problems without incurring return costs and down time.

  1. Retrieve the delivered documentation packages provided with you unit, and refer to your User Manual or Software & Hardware Configuration Document:

  2. Verify that all BIOS setting exactly match your delivered documentation.

  3. All hardware switch setting and jumpers match your documentation.

  4. If the above are verified; reload (or ColdBoot) the system software by following the procedure provided in your manuals.  This will completely rebuild your system to original Factory settings. Caution: this will remove all changes made by the Buyer; please backup any modifications you wish to save.  

If this fails…..continue to RMA form.




Operating System Compatibilities

Windows NT, 98-2000 & XP operating system compatibilities

Warranty Information



Review a list of our product documents.


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