



SimPhonics' HLA Extensions for Vcomm (Windows XP)

Version: 1.0

Build: 100

Part Number:  VPLHLA-X86

VComm and V+ supports HLA and DIS simultaneously. DIS is provided by default in PN: VCOMM-X86, while the HLA capability is provided by this separate extension software. This software add-on to Vcomm, provdied for the Windows XP Pro OS, adds the functionality to Vcomm to utilize the Buyer's HLA RTI. See the Vcomm User Manual for more information.




Native Platform

I/O Devices

OS Compatibilities

Windows NT, 98-2000 & XP compatibilities


Amplitude Modulation

single sideband radios in V+


documents, software, V+ and WAV files

Sample V+ Designs

learn how V+ designs are used in a Beech 1900D simulator



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