VComm Scanner

ID:  2083

Object Description

The VComm Scanner object can be used in conjunction  with one or more VComm Radio Scan Channel to simulate the operation of a radio that scans multiple frequencies. Although there are many variations in how such radios work, in general, such a radio will silently scan all of its frequencies until a signal is detected on one of them. Upon signal detection, the radio will dwell (i.e., stay) on that frequency until the signal ceases. During the dwell, the radio operator listens to the transmission. After the signal ceases, the radio stays on the dwelled frequency for a period of time to allow the radio operator to transmit a reply. After a period of inactivity on that frequency (i.e., no signals detected and no transmissions made), the radio resumes scanning. The VComm Scanner object provides many static input parameters to allow the behavior of the object to be customized.

Use of this object is best described via the example provided in the figure below:

State Machine Operation

The operation of the state machine is described in the following tables. There is a table for each state in the VComm Scanner state machine. The Description explains the operation of the state. The Transition In describes how the state is entered. The Transition Out describes how the state is left. The Rx Settings and the Tx Settings describe how the Rx and Tx output pins are set on the VComm Radio Scan Channel objects. The Effect of PTT describes how enabling the Push To Talk input pin on the VComm Scanner object affects output settings.

Disabled State


The VComm Scanner object is disabled.

Transition In

Initial state and whenever Enable pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to zero.

Transition Out

Transitions to Initializing State when Enable pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

Rx Settings


Tx Settings


Effect of PTT



Initializing State


Before starting to scan, some scanning radios have an initial period when they dwell on a particular initial channel. This state simulates this initial dwell.  During the initializing state, reception and transmission are enabled on the initial channel only.

Transition In

From Disabled State when Enable pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

Transition Out

To Disabled State when Enable pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to zero.

To Scanning State when Reset pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

To Scanning State when the static value Initial Delay time expires.

Rx Settings

One for channel specified by static value Initial Channel.

Tx Settings

One for channel specified by static value Initial Channel.

Effect of PTT

Enabling the PTT inhibits transition out of state until PTT is disabled.


Scanning State


During scanning, associated radio objects are monitored for incoming signals. If a signal exceeding the detection threshold (specified by the Threshold input pin) is received, then a transition to the Dwell State is made. Transmissions during the Scanning State may be enabled on a specific channel by setting the static value Scanning Transmit Channel.

Transition In

From all states (except Disabled) when Reset pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

From Initializing State when the static value Initial Delay time expires.

From Wait State when the static value Reply Wait time expires.

Transition Out

To Dwell State when a signal is detected on an associated radio object.

Rx Settings

All channels set according to static value Enable Receive While Scanning.

Tx Settings

Zero for all channels except the channel specified in the static value Scanning Transmit Channel. If Scanning Transmit Channel is set to -1, then all channels are set to zero.

Effect of PTT

Enabling the PTT inhibits transition out of state until PTT is disabled.


Dwell State


The channel on which the signal is detected becomes the locked channel. The Dwell State continues until the detected signal ceases. Reception is enabled on the locked channel allowing the radio operator to listen to the incoming transmission. Outgoing transmissions are enabled either on the locked channel or a specific channel specified by the static value Dwell Transmit Channel.

Transition In

From Scanning State when a signal is detected on an associated radio object (i.e., this becomes the locked channel).

From Wait State when a signal is re-detected on the locked channel.

Transition Out

To Scanning State when Reset pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

To Wait State when the signal on the locked channel ceases.

Rx Settings

All channels set to zero except for locked channel set to one.

Tx Settings

If the static value Dwell Transmit Channel is not -1, then the channel specified by the static value is set to one.

If the static value Dwell Transmit Channel is -1, then the locked channel is set to one.

All other channels are set to zero.

Effect of PTT

Enabling the PTT inhibits transition out of state until PTT is disabled.


Wait State


During the Wait State reception continues to be enabled on the locked channel. The Wait State continues until there has been no activity on the locked channel (either incoming or outgoing transmissions) for the period specified by the static value Reply Wait. This allows the radio operator to make a reply transmission and in turn wait for additional incoming transmissions on the locked channel. Outgoing transmissions are enabled either on the locked channel or a specific channel specified by the static value Wait Transmit Channel. There is also an option to specify additional outgoing transmissions on an override channel when the PTT is engaged twice during the Wait State.

Transition In

From Dwell State when the signal on the locked channel ceases.

Transition Out

To Dwell State when a signal is re-detected on the locked channel.

To Scanning State when Reset pin on VComm Scanner object is changed to one.

To Scanning State when the static value Reply Wait time expires.

Rx Settings

All channels set to zero except for locked channel set to one.

Tx Settings

1) Initially:

If the static value Wait Transmit Channel is not -1, then the channel specified by the static value is set to one.

If the static value Wait Transmit Channel is -1, then the locked channel is set to one.

All other channels are set to zero.


2) After the PTT has been engaged once during this state (i.e., enabled then disabled):

If the static value Wait Override Transmit Channel is not -1, then the channel specified by the static value is set to one and all other channels are set to zero.

If the static value Wait Override Transmit Channel is -1, then the initial settings are retained.

Effect of PTT

Enabling the PTT inhibits transition out of state until PTT is disabled.

The Reply Wait time is reset once the PTT is enabled and then disabled.


Input Pins


The Radio pin is currently unused. Any value provided at this pin will be ignored.


The Enable pin when set to 0 disables the object. Any non-zero value enables it.


The Threshold pin is used to specify the minimum signal strength level required for an incoming signal to be detected. The Threshold value must be provided in units decibel-milliwatts (dBm).


The Reset pin is used to reset the object’s internal state machine. A transition from any value to 1 will cause the state machine to reset. Resetting the state machine causes it to go to the Scanning State.


The PTT pin is used to provide the state of the scanning radio’s push to talk switch. This must be provided to the object as it affects the operation of the state machine. A zero indicates that the PTT is not enabled.  Any non-zero value indicates that the PTT is enabled.

Output Pins



Each VComm Scanner object produces a unique scanner Handle. This output pin must be connected to the Scanner input pin on each VComm Radio Scan Channel object associated with this scanner.


The State pin provides the current state of the state machine as follows:

0 – Disabled State

1 – Initializing State

2 – Scanning State

3 – Dwell State

4 – Wait State


The Channel pin provides the channel number of the locked channel. If no channel is currently locked then this pin is set to -1.

Static Data

Scanning Method

This value is currently unused.

Initial Channel

This value specifies the channel on which the scanner first dwells when enabled and before starting to scan (i.e., during the Initializing State). If the channel number is set to -1, then no channel is dwelled upon during the Initializing State.

Initial Delay

This value specifies the duration of the Initializing State in milliseconds. A value of zero will result in the scanner starting to scan as soon as it is enabled. A value less than zero will result in the scanner staying in the Initializing State until it is reset using the Reset pin.

Reply Wait

This value specifies the duration of inactivity during the Wait State before the scanner resumes scanning. The value is specified in milliseconds. A value less than zero will result in the scanner staying in the Wait State until it is either reset using the Reset pin or until it re-detects a signal on the locked channel and re-enters the Dwell State.

Scanning Transmit Channel

This value specifies a specific channel that is to be used for outgoing transmissions during the Scanning State. If the channel number is set to -1, then outgoing transmissions are disabled during the Scanning State.

Dwell Transmit Channel

This value specifies a specific channel that is to be used for outgoing transmissions during the Dwell State. If the channel number is set to -1, then outgoing transmissions are enabled on the locked channel.

Wait Transmit Channel

This value specifies a specific channel that is to be used for outgoing transmissions during the Wait State. If the channel number is set to -1, then outgoing transmissions are enabled on the locked channel.

Wait Override Transmit Channel

This value specifies a specific channel that is to be used for outgoing transmissions during the Wait State when the PTT has been engaged multiple times. If the channel number is set to -1, then this override feature is disabled.

Enable Receive While Scanning

This value determines whether reception on all channels is enabled in the Scanning State. A value of 0 disables reception. Any non-zero value enables reception.


The example below presents a design for a scanning radio with three channels. Each channel is represented by a  VComm Generic Radio, V8 DIS/HLA  object (VComm Generic Radio, V8 DIS Only  objects may be used as well). The VComm Scanner object is associated to each one of its channels via a  VComm Radio Scan Channel  object. The channels must be numbered uniquely using the Channel static data value of each VComm Radio Scan Channel object. Several static data values in the VComm Scanner object refer to these channel numbers.


The VComm Scanner object monitors incoming signal levels on all of its associated radios. Based on the incoming signal levels the object controls an internal state machine and controls the Rx (Receive) and Tx (Transmit) output pins on the VComm Radio Scan Channel objects. Those output pins are then used to control the volume and the PTT on their associated radio. It is important to note that although this is a simulation of a single scanning radio, it requires as many radio objects as there are channels to scan for the radio.