Over the past 14 years, since SimPhonics introduced the first
flight simulation digital audio
system, technology has changed considerably. One of our primary goals continues to be the incorporation of the latest technology
to aid our customer OEM's to integrate SimPhonics products into existing and
new devices. Originally,
dynamic digital audio was the domain of the Digital Signal Processor.
SimPhonics legacy systems were based on the use of the PC as a host and the
DSP as the primary source of digital audio. The PC controlled the
generation of digital audio on the DSP, but the DSP created the digital
audio samples. That
has changed. PC CPU's are now more than powerful enough to create and manipulate
streams of digital audio. More importantly, standards are now
emerging, created by necessity in the commercial market, that are finding
their way into high end applications. The hardware platform of choice
is now clearly the PC. SimPhonics
has embraced this new trend with the introduction of the FXDirect and
digital audio systems. Generation of audio is performed on the PC CPU,
while the DSP is now focused on low latency mixing of digital I/O
streams. This means lower costs, higher performance, etc.