VComm Recorder

ID:  2085

Object Description

The VComm Recorder object can be used in conjunction with VComm Radio Objects to record radio/intercom traffic on the specified frequency/channel of the radio/intercom. It streams data to a VComm Signal File (VSF) as dictated by the object's parameters described below


To use the object, simply connect the radio handle output of a radio/intercom object to the radio handle input of this object.

Special Notes

  1. Sample Rate - The sample rate of any incoming transmission is limited to 8 KHz or 16 KHz. If the incoming sample rate is neither of these, the stream is ignored and replaced with silence.

  2. VComm Signal Files  (VSF).- VSF files were developed by SimPhonics to provide efficient real time streaming of incoming radio transmissions. They must be post-processed with the VSF converter utility to create a corresponding WAV file that can be played by any player.

  3. VSF Converter Utility  - The VSF converter utility can be found in the V+ installation directory.  It is a command line tool that is invoked with the command:

    <source filename> <destination filename>

    The source filename is the name of the VSF file; the destination filename is the name of the wavefile to create.

Input Pins


Radio Handle from either the VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS Only, VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS/HLA, or VComm Simple Intercom objects.


The Control pin accepts a floating point input value. This input pin controls the recording modes of the object. Valid input values are:

0 = Stop - Stops the recording and resets the file pointer to zero. If recording is restarted, the file is erased and new data is collected.

1 = Pause - Pauses the recording.  While paused, incoming radio transmissions are discarded.

2 = Record - Records incoming radio transmissions.

Transitions among the modes are as follows:

  • From Stop to Record, the recording file is opened and truncated to zero length. If the file does not exist, it is automatically created.

  • From Record to Pause, the current record position is saved and the recording is stopped.

  • From Pause to Record, the recording resumes from the previously saved position and appends to the recording file. See the description of the Position pin for information on positive values.

  • From Record to Stop, the recording is stopped and the file is closed.


The Position pin accepts a floating point input value which is used when recording is resumed from a paused state. The purpose of this pin is to allow the recording to be repositioned so that recording resumes from the point in time defined by the pin. The pin value represents time from the start of the recording in milliseconds.


When a transition from paused to recording occurs, the Position pin is examined and its effect is as follows:

  1. Position pin < 0:  Recording continues at end of file

  2. Position pin > end of file:  Recording continues at end of file

  3. Otherwise:  Recording point is repositioned to time indicated by position pin

Output Pins


This pin is reserved for future expansion.

Static Data

Path Name

This is a string which is used for setting the path prefix to the VSF file that the object will create.

To set the Path Name string:

Reserved 1

This parameter is reserved for future expansion.

Reserved 2

This parameter is reserved for future expansion.

Filename Format

This parameter defines the filename format for the recorded file. The following values are valid for this parameter:

0 = <Path Name>.vsf

1 = <Path Name><Exercise ID>_<Frequency>_<yyyy-mm-dd>_<hhmmss>.vsf

2 = <Path Name><Exercise ID>_<Frequency>_<Identifier>.vsf


This is a string which is incorporated in the filename according to the Filename Format described above.


In this example, a VComm GENERIC Radio is connected to a VComm Recorder object. The Recorder's control pin is set to record. The Filename Format is set to 2. The recorded file will be named C:\1_100000000_VComm_Recorder.vsf