VComm Set Radio/ICS Name |
ID: 2059 |
Object Description |
The VComm Set Radio/ICS Name object can be used in conjunction with VComm Radio Objects to create a name to be tagged onto the existing HLA RTI Object Identifier Name. This object only works with radios engaged in an HLA exercise. Using this object with a DIS radio has no effect. To use the object, simply connect the output handle of a radio/intercom object to the radio handle input of this object. The data collected on the input pin is sent to the radio/intercom object and can be changed while V+ is running. |
Input Pins |
Radio handle from either the VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS Only, VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS/HLA, or VComm Simple Intercom (DIS/HLA) objects. |
The ENABLE pin enables the object to provide the connection to the adjacent device channel. A value of 0 disables it. Any non-zero value enables it. |
Static Data |
Name |
This is a string which represents the name tag to be catenated to the HLA RTI Object Identifier Name. |
Example |
The figure below presents an example of how the VComm Set Radio/ICS Name object is used. In this example, the radio's name tag is set to Comm 1. |