VComm Transmit Audio Format |
ID: 2051 |
Object Description |
The VComm Transmit Audio Format object can be used in conjunction with VComm Radio Objects to override the audio format of the DIS Signal PDU. Specifically, it overrides the Transmit Sample Rate and Audio Buffer Size values in the Networked Audio configuration page of the V+ Run Time System. This object provides flexibility in that the audio format of the Signal PDU may be adjusted on an individual transmitter basis.
To use the object, simply connect the radio handle output of a radio/intercom object to the radio handle input of this object. The data that is present on the input pins is sent to the radio object and overrides the Networked Audio configuration values. Note: For performance reasons, the values on the XMIT SR and BFR SIZE pins should not be altered while V+ is running. If either the XMIT SR or BFR SIZE pin values change while the radio is transmitting, the radio will turn off the transmitter, incorporate these latest values, and restart the transmitter. This will require approximately 150ms, and may cause a frame overrun in the V+ execution (which displays itself as a negative Spare Time in the status area of the Run Time System or the Development System). |
Input Pins |
Radio HANDLE from either the VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS Only, VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS/HLA, or VComm Simple Intercom objects. |
The XMT SR pin is used to set the sample rate in units Hz (samples per second). It accepts any integer value in the range of 2,000 to 48,000. If a value is outside these bounds, the Run Time System will set it to the closest limiting value. Values normally used are either 8,000 or 16,000. |
The BFR SIZE pin is used to set the buffer size of the Signal PDU in units bytes. It accepts any integer value in the range of 64 to 1,280. If a value is outside these bounds, the Run Time System will set it to the closest limiting value. |
Example |
In this example, a VComm Simple Intercom is connected to a VComm Transmit Audio Format object. The XMT SR pin is set to 16,000 and the BFR SIZE pin is set to 800. The Simple Intercom's static data is shown as a comment below the object. The Encoding is set to 4 which is a 16-bit PCM. Since this is two bytes per sample, there are 400 samples in each 800 byte buffer sent. |