VComm Set DIS TRANSMITTER PDU Source Field |
ID: 2043 |
Object Description |
The VComm Set DIS TRANSMITTER PDU Source Field object can be used in conjunction with VComm Radio Objects to put data into the Transmitter PDU's source field. To use the object, simply connect the radio handle output of a radio object to the radio handle input of this object. The data that is present on the input pins is sent to the radio object and can be changed while V+ is running. |
Input Pins |
Radio handle from either the VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS Only or VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS/HLA radio objects. |
The SOURCE pin accepts a floating point value between 0 and 255. All numbers are treated as integers with any fractional parts truncated. Numbers outside of this range are ignored. |
Example |
The figure below presents an example of how the VComm Set DIS TRANSMITTER PDU Source Field object is used with a VComm GENERIC Radio, V8 DIS Only object. Note that the SOURCE pin is set to 10. |